Wednesday 27 April 2011

Seventy Pounds

It’s always the way. Whenever, I need to get home early from work, I miss the bus. So as I walked up the road, I shouldn’t have been surprised to see the unreliable red vehicle speed along the top of the road. So I sat and stewed in my frustration for another ten minutes as I waited for the next one to come along. After eventually climbing aboard my ride home, I knew that I was going to be in a rush when I got in. Luckily, I had prepared myself as much as I could the night before to make the process that much faster. As these occasions are becoming more frequent, my ability to multitask is vastly improving; sitting on my bed in my underwear, with half my makeup done, shovelling down a pot noodle must have looked an odd site to my mother as she passed by my door. I have to admit, that despite my hastiness in getting ready, I did my makeup rather well and was ready for a good night out.

My father, thankfully, gave me and my friend a lift to the station, where we began our journey. I seemed to become increasingly hyper on this journey. I believe, as I told my friend, it was because I’d basically spent my entire day in silence and was clearly joyous to the fact I finally had some company. At one point whilst waiting for our train, there was one already on the platform and I felt it necessary to shake my fist at it and moan continuously. Once it had finally vacated the area and we were on our second train, I noted that it felt a lot quieter on this train than the last, to which my friend replied, “That’s because you’re not talking.”

Our first stop was to another friend’s house, where we waited for her to finish getting ready before we left to get on another train, which would take us to our final destination.

Tonight, instead of our usual environment, we were voyaging to Watford. Due to the distance and its high prices, we tend not to venture here, but as it was Easter weekend, we thought we’d make the effort. Our first stop was a Wetherspoons, so we could commence our night with cheap drinks and a chat.

After the usually banter, stealing my friends drink and picture snapping, three of our other friends joined us. One of the first things they announced was that one of them had already drank a bottle of vodka and had almost just been sick in the toilet. Classy bird; I would expect nothing less. With this tale now at the forefront of our minds, we all began to hasten our drinking. Soon the alcohol had sunk in and as we all became more restless we decided to continue our night on in Vodka Revs, which is conveniently placed next door. By this point I was less than £10 down.

We stumbled our way out of the pub and the short distance to the awaiting bouncers guarding the door to Revs. After handing over our entrance money we headed straight to the bar. They were playing “Single Ladies” by Beyoncé as we waited. My friend and I wondered, and then agreed, that it is completely fine for us to still passionately sing to and love this song.

When the barmaid approached us I instantly began asking her the prices of different drinks. We spent a considerable amount of time deciding what would be the cheapest drink to get, whilst also being the best aid to our intoxication. On eventually concluding we should get the usual double vodka and diet coke, the barmaid revealed that if you bought one, the second would only be a pound. If only she’d told us this when we’d first arrived at the bar, about a day ago. After finally acquiring our drinks, we ran, with excitement, to tell the others about the fantastic deal we’d just discovered. I still wonder now why we ever left; it certainly would’ve been a much cheaper night.

Although there is no designated area for dancing, this of course didn’t stop anyone. We requested a few songs; the DJ was definitely not happy when he saw me approach him for the second and third time. As usual, I have no recollection to whether they played any of the songs we asked for.

The camera continued to flash non-stop, even following us up to the toilets. Vodka Revs is heaven for girls who revel in taking pictures in the toilets on a night out. The corridor up the toilet has a full wall dedicated to a giant mirror. On top of that, there is another wall within the ladies bathroom that also has a mirror covering it and I have no shame in saying we spent a considerable amount of time in both areas and this selection of pictures are the ones that are most memorable for me.

We decided to move on to another club, Area, and I’d still only spent around £15.

I believe it is around this time that my night plummeted downhill. As we made our way to Area, our group was severed. Myself and one other friend continued to the club, where we were told the entry fee was a lot higher than we’d expected. I reluctantly paid for both of us and we made our way in. However, we still had no idea where our friends were.

On the one hand, it is convenient to have multiple toilet facilities in a club, it reduces queues and prevents individuals having to travel long distances to relieve themselves. On the other hand, it can also be a hindrance. Unfortunately, we experienced the latter. When my lost friends name appeared on my phone, I was immediately relieved. However, I became instantly confused when she told me that she was in the bathroom, when we too, were in the bathroom. We called out her name, receiving odd looks and smirks from the ladies surrounding us as we did so. This revealed that she was definitely not here. So, we went on a hunt to find the other toilets, but when we arrived, they weren’t there either. How many bloody toilets does this place need?!

Eventually, after traipsing up and down stairs and through multitude’s of sweaty bodies, we were all reunited. But by now, I was sobering up, my feet were hurting and I was in the mood for a nap. So instead of making a spectacle of myself and thwart any enjoyment on my friends’ behalf, I decided that, now having spent about £25, I should go home. Well, not home exactly.

In my drunken, needy state, I found it entirely acceptable to ask my boyfriend if I could stay at his, despite the fact he had work the next morning. Being the lovely, kind, person that he is, he agreed. With this notion in mind, I was in a keen mood to leave as soon as possible. Whilst walking to the cab rank, I stopped off to get a kebab; I definitely wasn’t going to let this night deprive me of that chickeny, mayonnaisey, goodness! I continued down the road and eventually approached the line of cars waiting to assist drunken adolescents in their voyages home. When I reached the first one I asked how much it would cost me and I wasn’t at all shocked to hear that it was going to cost me around £40.

Luckily I had a nice cab driver, who let me eat in his car and chatted with me as we drove, which made the whole journey go a lot quicker.

Despite having spent over £70 within around five hours, and over half of it on the cab back to my boyfriends, I still enjoyed the majority of the night. And I’m not gonna lie, the sex was definitely worth it.


  1. £40 for a cab back home!?! He's ripping you off there :P Charlotte, Lori and I got a cab back, with three stops, for £25. But hey, at least you got damn good sex when you got to the boyfriend's ;) There was clearly method in his madness on letting you come to his so late at night, and drunk!

  2. Wow, randomly came across ur bloginthon and i struggle to understand how some people can go on writing so much , its great , wish i could write haha follow me too please

  3. I know Tom :[[
    It was a bit later than you left though :P I've got a cab from there before and it was super expensive. I just wanted to get into a comfy bed though, so I wasn't bothered.
    Haha, you're so right!

    @IannG You gotta have the passion for it. Don't just start a blog for the sake of having a blog. I had an idea, and then I created something from it. I'm pretty proud of how well it's done. Despite my lack of followers, my stats are a lot higher than I'd ever expected.
    It's all about having an aim and a focus and then turning it into something. You can't work backwards with this kind of thing :]
    Good luck with yours though ^_^
