Monday 7 March 2011

Red Stiletto Rock Night

Saturday the 5th of March. The first Saturday of the month and time for the notorious event that is Rock Night.

After leaving her house, returning, missing a bus, leaving again, getting rained on and being glared at by an elderly couple at the bus stop, Stephanie was finally on her way into town. A bit of Jessie J on her journey to put her in a good mood and she was ready to get her drink on. Despite the lack of people attending that night, she was determined to enjoy herself.

Adorning a pair of red, five inch heels, she carefully tottered down the road to meet her better half, who was waiting patiently for her. She caught sight of him sitting outside Pizza Hut, as she crossed the road, trying to maintain her balance as she went. After they’d greeted each other, they made their way to the first pub of the night. On their way they met the other individual who would be accompanying them for the evening.

The bar was packed and they only had time for one and a half drinks, neither of which the young lady paid for. Much to her despair, she did not have time to go to the bathroom before they left and so had to attempt to keep up with her long legged companions, burdened with a full bladder, as they sped down the high street, in order to reach their destination before payment was expected. Throughout the duration of their journey she complained about the pain her heels were causing her, with absolutely no sympathy given. This has to be one of the downfalls of going out with two men, she thought. If she’d been with another girl, they would have been able to stagger along together, at a pace considerate of their aching feet. Alas, she did not have this choice.

Once she’d rushed to the toilet on their arrival, she was then able to head to the bar, fully relieved, in order to obtain her next drink. To her delight, a drink had already been purchased on her behalf and so she was still in possession of all the money she had brought with her.

They made their way outside, where she was finally able to rest her melancholy feet, and sat down. Between conversations of trips to be taken and comparing heel heights, she continued to indulge herself and was soon becoming highly inebriated. At a certain point the alcohol seemed to hit her and the full effects were felt; her face began to feel flushed, she started to slur through her sentences and became unable to control the urge to smother her boyfriend with affection.

As the night progressed, she decided to migrate inside. Whether it was simply because she was cold or because she could no longer be bothered to make small talk with people she only briefly knew or just generally didn’t like, this is where she ended up.

While standing at the bar, her boyfriend became engaged in conversation with someone who was unknown to her. This gentleman then offered to buy both of them a drink, to which neither were hesitant in accepting. She deeply appreciative that this stranger remembered to order DIET coke, if somewhat surprised. As it turned out, this gentleman was one of her boyfriends’ customers. “I love this guy!” He repeatedly yelled. It would appear that there are more perks to being an Assistant Managers girlfriend that she had originally thought. Then again, this charitable act was undoubtedly down to his acute intoxication. Yet again, she found herself in full ownership of all her money.

Later on, however, she began to feel guilty that she had not yet spent a penny, so she announced that she was going to buy everyone a drink. “Everyone” consisting of three other people and her, so it wasn’t a particularly generous offer. As she had a fair amount of alcohol running through her veins, trying to remember these mere four drinks proved to be quite a difficult task. Luckily, she had her able boyfriend by her side to provide assistance. After purchasing these drinks what followed was talking, dancing and making out with her boyfriend. Details of which I’m sure need remain unsaid (especially as one of the only people reading this is probably said boyfriend).

As they made their way down the high street on the beginning of their voyage home, she managed to convince her boyfriend to give her a piggy back. In an equally intoxicated state, it became apparent that this was not an easy task. After a considerably short period of time, she decided it to be a better idea to simply remove her heels and use her own legs, in order to avoid causing a catastrophe. Grateful as she was to her willing partner, clinging onto an individual’s back is not particularly comfortable at the best of times.

In spite of the fact her body suffered intensely throughout the day on Sunday, she believes the night was undeniably an excellent way to end a brilliant week. Although she had spent a significant amount of time sleeping during it, she managed to spend the hours that she was conscious and not at work with her gorgeous boyfriend and she’s glad the weekend was no different.

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